Thursday, July 21, 2016

Why is everything "Pieceofshityoudon'tneed-ly" now a days?

I'm not sure if anyone else has noticed this, but almost everything is "Shit-ly" nowadays. Leaf-ly,  Marked-ly, whatever-ly....but why?

I don't think it makes me care about the product more. I thought it was really good with bit-ly. the name is short and makes you think of shortened links. the URL ( makes sense. Why on god's green earth would I care about impressionly, or whatever-ly?  I don't get it.

I feel this is similar to the iPod phenomenon. People see something do really, really well like the iPod, and then they see Apple line extend that idea  to their other products. Because Apple is an army of wizards, they can line extend and not annihilate themselves from a PR standpoint. Other shitty companies try to follow suit and fail. That's dumb.

If I had to make a product or service  (SaaS probably) that would end in "ly" today, I think it would be "Stop-ly" because people would laugh at the name. or maybe they wouldn't. I don't know. I still think it would be good.

What would the product do? I don't know. Maybe it would help people stop smoking. maybe it would help people stop any bad habits. and it could have a social piece as well.  That would be

ho boy.

I was just on prodcthunt and I saw a new app called "Highly" that is an easy highlighter app for your iPhone. dude it's a dumb idea and a dumb name. My phone totally has a highlighting applet built into the firmware. Kindle has an incredible social highlighting system build into its app. No. Bigger and better companies have already done it. Nobody cares. Radda.

This person is relying entirely on the catchiness of the name to build an audience. I don't think this is how it should go. He didn't solve a problem, he didn't fill a need, he just built an app with a catchy name that sounds slightly weed-related and thinks he'll make money. The sad thing is that he might.

Solve problems people. Don't make them. 

Tuesday, July 19, 2016


I feel shitty today. I didn't ge tthe pay I wanted at my job, and my guest webinar has been cancelled. I haven't gotten any guest posts in months, and I need to write more content. That's where I stand.

so that's what I need to do. I need to find a topic for small business owners that will make sense to them, and I need to write a newsletter about it. I also want to make a video. so I need to do that tonight. Fuck.

I have finally realized that wen I feel bad, its because I need to write. I never in my life thought I would be a writer, but I apparnetly am. I haven't ever been a person who sat down and wrote until... well until I started to. It's crazy. I 've always liked visual art, I drew for years, I played guitar and piano for about a decade...andnow I'm writing. and it feels like my art. and I love it.

I think that i want to write  a novel, but I'm afraid i'll waste time if I do. This is of course bullshit (resistance) because I should be spending my time writing a novel. I should be spending my time doing things that feel right. So maybe I will.

I'm happy that I found writing. I really enjoy it. I think that wha tI need to write about is finding your medium for marketing. I think a lot of people see "blogs" or "youtube channels" and forget that they're all doing the same thing: creating a marketing platform that people want to watch. That's what's i'mportant.

Monday, July 18, 2016


I need to write a newsletter for my list. I don't know what I want ot write about. I thinki might write about cars instead and start a new company lol. no I don't know I'm actually thinking about it because I'm watching roadkill in the background, and It's not helping me get any ideas. They're working on a wheely-iing dump truck... I just want to finish my porsche and my Saab.

I" think that I need to write about will be fun, interesting, and will teach my list somehting new every week. I'm going to release this no Friday.

I think some of the things that I need to write will be about something that will have great content. I need to research something and get information about it, but I don't know what people are looking for.

That's what I'll do: I'll go dig around some forums and see what people are asking about. from there I'll get a better idea of what people want to learn. I tink that Small business and entrepreneur on reddit will be the best places to start. I'll do some permission marketing and answer some questions, and from there I'll know exatly what to write after we do that for the week.


The attic is almost ifnished too, which is awesome. That means that there will be an extra 500 sft in the house, and soon the garage will be usable as well.   I'm building my custom door cards downstairs and they're coming a long really well also. I'm looking forward to having a really sick hotrod Porsche.