Tuesday, April 12, 2016


As I said yesterday before I passed out, the course page tested successfully. I'm happy as hell about that. I'm also glad that I'm going to be able to move on to creation. Stef wants to help, which is a huge weight off my shoulders as I'm going to be able to pass off a lot of the detail work to her and expodite the course development. I'm hoping to launch the course sometime in Mid May, and see how it goes.

I also found my speed reading course I made years ago! and i sold like 5 copies of haha. I'm going to develop a quick and dirty sales page for that, revamp the course, and sell that for $100 bucks or so as well. now that I get how marketing works online this stuff seems a lot easier.

I need to sleep more, or rest more or something, though. I'm getting very tired toward the end of each week, and its hard for me to keep up with all the work I'm doing. Ideally I would find some more tasks to eliminate from my workflow, but I don't think I can eliminate much more. I've been meditationg for 23 days straight now, and that has been a huge help. the headspace app is wonderful. it's totally worth the $7 a month.

I'm hoping to start to sell this course in some larger capacity in June, and move onto larger marketing venues as well. I've already developed a basic marketing plan that looks as such:

Google PPC
Bing PPC
Yahoo PPC
Banner Ads on trade forums
Magazine Ads in Trade Magazines for Tradesmen and small business owners
Guest Posting and blogging on trade based sites.

Doing basic conversion math, If I can expose this idea to about 1.5 million people a month, it will convert into the number of sales I want to get. (about 30 a month) this is super rechable based on my testing, so I'm hoping that as i expand toward these other marketing venues that I'll actually see some real revenue growth.

Besides that: the house was filthy, now it is clean, and I am tired. Full Lesson plan and course outline work will start tomorrow. Yes, tomorrow.

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