If any of you in the northeast haven't noticed, we've
been hit with two of the largest snowstorms in recent memory. I don’t
ever remember snow storms being named in my youth: but perhaps that's
because Vermonter’s don’t believe in naming something that isn't
going to be around for more than a few hours. I'm not sure.
Nonetheless, These storms have had a pretty dire effect on all of us
folk, even the hardened people on the western side of Massachusetts,
where I currently reside.
It's interesting to me how people seem to change when a snowstorm slows the day. Many people seem to just brush it off, and wear their indifference like a badge of honor. other will incessantly complain. Others still will avoid the thing altogether and hide inside, using any excuse to not deal with the blustery weather outside. I'm one who tries to enjoy each part of the storm. I love to go outside and shovel when the storm has passed, as there is an eerie silence after a snowstorm. Its not the same as the silence you hear after a rain storm or a thunderstorm, but something much more serene. Also everything seems brand new after fresh snow. as you look around it seems as though most of the world you see hasn't been touched by anything as of yet, and as you walk upon it you're the first traveler to have set foot on these surroundings. Almost like an explorer on another planet.
I also enjoy walking and skiing in the snow. The motion of moving skis across the snow holds a special place in my heart, as it was the best way to move through the woods in the winter where I grew up in Vermont. You strapped on your XC skis and bundled up, and we could go to the same places we ran off to in the spring summer and fall. These places, of course were much different. Frozen ponds and rivers were and interesting thing to see. Finding deer tracks and moose tracks and bear paths was made easier by the stark contrast of the bothered snow drifts. It was also easier to make your way back, no matter how far you went: you just followed your tracks home. The benefits for days like this were many.
After the day is done, I truly enjoy coming inside to a warm house and having tea, coffee, of coca by a fire, or just near a few loved ones. These are the special things that only winter seems to make really special... at least in my mind. I have found that enjoying a coffee while looking out your window at a large snowstorm from the comfort of your own home is one of life's purest pleasures.
I've always loved winter, and yet I've been remiss to enjoy it for sometime as I've gotten caught up in the other parts of life. I, just now, during this last storm (Marcus i think the flatlanders named it) remembered what fun a snowstorm is. Romping the car through the not yet tamed roads minded me of my teenage days driving in Vermont. Shoveling the fresh powder always seems strangely easy if you do it early enough before it starts to hardpack, and even cleaning off the car has its own magnificence. Yes its cold, yes its shitty. Yes you need to put on boots instead of flip flops. But besides all of that there is so much novelty to enjoy during winter that is just gone the other three seasons of the year. Its funny how we all seem to forget how fleeting winter actually is compared to the rest of the year. this is the only season where you can actually ski. snowboard. Cross Country. Snow Shoe. No other season holds those sports. There is a special Olympics for this season alone. How do we forget that! Its a great Season!
Now seasonal depression also resides in winter as well. I've been a sufferer of seasonal depression for at least the past 5 years, and I think that's why I've forgotten how awesome winter can be. I imagine that's why so many others have forgotten as well. the hardest part of a winter's day always seems to be starting it. once those boots are laced, your coat is on, and you have a hot breakfast in you, the snow seems more like a playground than a chore. Its great. Its hard to get going though., and I've spent entire seasons (many of them) ignoring winter, hoping it would just fade away. Its a hard pill to swallow sometimes, just how difficult it is when you're working all day and you don’t see the sun. I still struggle with the lack of sunlight in winter, but sadly that's what keeps the awesome snow around. So its a give and take, and one you need to deal with. I've found that using a little blue light from amazon is a great help, and I just keep one on wherever I am during the day, and shut it off when the sun goes down outside (if I'm not able to be outside that day) this is an immense help . Also: EXERCISE. you don’t get to move around as much in the winter. its a fact. you're often stuck inside because of the investment of getting bundled just to go out and do something. So be sure to exercise. do some calisthenics. watch a shitty exercise video and play along half drunk, it doesn’t matter, but you need to do something. This is a lesson I learn every year when i return to the gym in the spring fat an grumpy and i have to start from scratch. Its so...so important to keep your body healthy during this time.
But that's just me. I think that as this winter moves on, it may be the year that New England remembers its love affair with winter. I know there are many that haven’t forgotten, and never will, but I think that a few more will remember just how great all of this snow can be. Its now getting to the point where kids can slide down the snowbanks in the yard, and huge snow forts can be made. Its getting to that point where town wide snowball fights will be common place because its there...so why not? I hope this is the next thing that we see happen from all of this snow. because my face book feed is just LOADED with people furious with the weather right now. How does this solve anything? how can this help anything? the snow will still be there no matter how much hot air you spit at your computer screen (bad pun) but I bet if we all just took a look at how lucky we are to have such a nice, snow filled winter, we could all remember that this is what living in New England is all about: vibrant, different seasons: a hot, short summer with plenty of beautiful Oceanside towns to visit and lakes to explore. A mild spring to prepare us for the summer heat. A long a beautiful fall filled with fresh apples, pumpkins, and wonderful food and harvests. And of course our famous, vibrant winters with plenty of snow, snow sports, beautiful mountains to ski, lakes to fish and snowmobile, and a multitude of other sports and things to enjoy. No other area has so much to offer in every season. And I would go so far as to say that winter in New England has more to offer than any other.
I have to admit now, that this winter has probably been one of the harder ones for me. I was working in a windowless office, and I would get there before the sun came out, and left long after it had set. My seasonal depression was crippling. This is the winter where I started having crippling anxiety attacks, and I lost my job. This is the winter that I started to really question myself, and whether I could hack it...in many ways. This winter has been hard. I think it hit a lot of us right between the eyes like it did me. This makes me all the more glad I'm here writing this, though. I've now remembered that winter is fucking awesome. Its filled with fun snow, and sports, and enjoyment with friends in a setting that no other season can bring. And I think if we all remember that then we can finally all make friends with winter again.
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