Sunday, April 3, 2016


Snow? Really? Snow? What the fuck.

I'm almost done with my squeeze page so that I can start testing. I've been meditating on the course, and on life in general. and I've realized that my focus should really just be as I said yesterday: to find a means to make cash that doesn't need to have me as a part of the process. I need to develop a course like this with large upfront time investment, so that 12-18 months form now when I have fully automated I whatever I want.

I'm going to make sure that this course is one of the best courses you can get in online marketing. In looking at Neville's course yesterday and his copy for inspiration, I realized that many companies use his course to help teach their teams copy, and sales skills, especially email sales skills. I think that having a GOAL of making a course so good that SEO and online marketing companies use it for their entry level workers would be ideal. I could imagine a time where entry level for a company could be the course + some successful SEO work= new hire. Boom. That would be ideal.

I could probably pitch the course at a later date as a great initial training system for companies who are working at that level. A great goal.

ANYWAY. Right now this course is too niche for that and more specific. Currently its for companies that have like 1-5 employees, boss is probably working from home, and you have no idea where to start with online marketing, or how to break into your market. Maybe you've read the 4 hour work week and you're still trying to figure out exactly what to do, step by step.  This is my goal.

Sophia is having a lot of fun playing Doc McStuffins right now. And its funny: she seems to really be getting a feel for what a doctor's day to day work is like. She's doing follow up appointment with us, measureing our height and weight, taking our temperature, and even making us bandages out of some thin foam that she found and has cut to size. It's really a lot of fun to see her experience a career like this, even at her very young age. It's amazing how quickly a 4 year old can catch on to exactly what a profession does at its most basic. I think all of us could learn something from watching a 4 year old pretend to do our jobs.

Keto is going incredibly well. I have no real desire for carbs or sugar. They were never really my favorite anyway, but I feel better, I've lost weight, and MY muscle mass has grown with minimal exercise. Also, I fele less frantic, less paniced, and much more calm (often a side effect of the diet) It's wonderful. I don't know if I'll ever go back to carbs. I mean cheese is fucking amazing...why would I stop this? lol

I'm also trying....key word get back into the gym. I go once a week or so and that's about it...just too much to do and too tired.  I think I need to just kick my cicadian rhythm right in the grundel and start going at 530am and deal with it. I'll adjust. Now that Sophia's sleep schedule is much, MUCH more regular, I think it can actually be an option for me. I'd like to see my ideal physique before I turn 30. Kind of one of my bigger goals in life, really. I've looked good before, been pretty skinny, and had some muscle. But This last bulk I put on some good size, I've built up some good cardio, and I think with a decent cut and some well planned out time in the gym I could see myself looking real, real good...and hopefully keep it too!

Insofar as dream setting: I have meditated on it much, and I've realized that I really, really love to restore cars. I really loove fixing old cars, and then using new technology to make them...a more perfect vision of what the original creators envisioned. At least that's how I like to think of it. When I rebuild a car, I want it to be an example of "what if the designer built this car TODAY, with all available technology?" Sure I'll add my own touches, and such, but I want this to be the central theme. I also think that the theme of the "american hot rod" porsche to be super, super cool. However I want to modernize that a bit as well. I'm really planning on making the 944 into a turbo v8 that's tame on the street, but an awesome track car as well. I also want it to have air conditioning, heat, and a back seat so that goose and Stef can all come with me when we go on road trips. I've already heavily insulated the cabin so keep noise down, and I'm planning on also Adding a layer of insulating spray into the cabin as well: full insulation. This will make the interior super quiet, will make music sound great, and will make it feel like a modern car: my ultimate goal. I don't want it to feel rough or mean. I want ti to DRIVE rough and mean, but I want it to feel modern, and comfortable.

I've meditated, and imagined an ideal garage for me too. It will have a loft story where I can work like I am now, and It Will have a small gym up there as well. I want the garage floor to have a basic 2 post lift, and basically all the tools I already just a few more of minor expense. However I want it to be able to hold 4 cars: 2 of them will drive into a side door behind the house and stack up behind one another, basically for seaon storage, and then 2 cars will be able to drive into the front, for daily use. Since I plan on being working from home (or wherever) full time by the time I build this garage, Having my bay filled up with project car won't be that big of an issue: because if I want to go to the store, I'll ride my bike or walk!

That has been my biggest takeaway from the past few weeks of meditation and Keto: Slow down. Stop moving so fast and focus on goals. Always goals. Also: a clean house is much easier to work in. So I clean first, which is a huge, huge mind settler. So on the weekend I now meditate, clean, and THEN work. Sure I get a little distracted because sophia is in full goose mode, but It allows me to really think without having the nagging chore list in the back of my head. Plus, a clean house makes you feel like a winner. It's really important.

Well, the wife has graced me with her presence, and I will now proceed to talking with her, enjoying coffee, and finishing my copy for my squeeze page...onto full scale testing.

Wish me luck :)

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