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Not bad heat Disbursement to be honest.... Man is it cold. |
A lot of you responded very well to my blog post about spending, and the advent of my wife starting a blog on finance help. My wife's blog is coming along nicely so far, and you'll see a guest post form her on here sooner than later. She's very excited to start growing a readership, and wants to write about a lot of different topics. I think the one shes most excited about writing about is how to help young women succeed specifically. she hasn't said that she wants to focus on women, but I think she should. It's an unserviced demographic in so many ways, and her initial blog post which she wrote really gets to the heart of that matter. It spells out in so many ways how men and women are fundamentally different, and how its so important for them to often attack problems differently: like asking for the promotion, or getting the job at the interview. I think that she can really have something going for her.
maybe that will be the new, more exciting path of this blog: I’ll write my thoughts on the two of us making an adventure into the new exciting world of internet earnings. Based on what I've seen from other folks who do things like this, it all just seems to come down to making STUFF, EVERY DAY. That's the first premise I'm working on. Now, keeping the quality fairly high and so forth are all a part of it as well, but as long as your making things, people will read things. that's the first step. So hopefully once my wife's blog takes off we'll be making things on her page every day just like I do here. I also make a new video for my you tube channel every day. it can only get easier.
This exploration into the independent earnings world of the internet I think will be a welcome change for both of us. my wife has always wanted to work for herself, as have I. We also both know that working together in a regular office environment might not work very well for either of us. We've tried before, and we don't mesh well. As such, I think we'll be working very much independently, but asking each other for help and advice along the way. It'll be a great way for us to work together on something we're both excited about.
I'll definitely be keeping up this experiment for free flow writing. You'll definitely be seeing me write about my life, my growth, and my family. But I'll also be writing from time to time about how our online business ventures are doing. How we failed, how we succeeded, and what we're working on now.
So for me: I'm working on a you tube channel called Dota 2: Worse Than You. Its a channel about two guys having fun playing Dota2. If any of you have played Dota2 before you'll know that it is nearly impossible to have fun playing Dota. It's an extremely difficult game with many small skill sets needed to succeed. In fact, its played at the professional level with more viewers of the professional tournaments than the Superbowl during The International. It's shockingly popular, and even showed up on ESPN last year during the largest tournament.
Due to its popularity, there are a TON of you tube channels on tips and tricks to be better at the game. Surprisingly enough, there are almost no channels of guys just having fun playing the game. Let's plays with guys just enjoying games are becoming very popular, so why not make one based around the most popular game on the market right now? The fact that the game is also free to play makes it a great springboard as well. Our plan (Mine and Chris, the star of the show) is to cast at least one game a day (we play at least one game every day anyway) and then to post the games on our you tube channel daily. we will also edit these games down into small weekly shows. so far we have two weekly shows. 1)The Team Mate Of The Week and 2) The Worst Of the week. Team mate of the weeks will showcase a particularly interesting person who played with us that week, and will come out every Friday. If you would like to watch our first team mate of the week video, click here. we'll also make a "Worst Of The Week" video, which will showcase us sucking at Dota. Trust me, this isn't hard. You can watch our first "Worst Of The Week" Video here.
So this is my plan. To make some funny videos about one of the most popular games on the planet right now. So far each of our videos are getting about 100 view daily, but no ad revenue from it as of yet. Sadly, our first "worst of the week" video is also terrible quality thanks to the fact that my capture software was setup improperly. Fun Fact: If you don't pay for Xsplit, you cannot save recordings in high def with a decent refresh rate. I highly recommend using OBS if you want to professionally re-cut and edit your videos as you can BOTH record to your hard drive and live stream to Twitch at the same time. This was a hard thing to realize, as I had already spent a good 40 hours this past week learning to use Adobe Premiere Pro, editing down video, and making our first "worst of the week" video, only to learn that the entire video was in 360p, and looked really, really shitty. People still enjoyed, and we got a few new subscribers out of it, but it still sucks.
That's the learning experience you go through, though. Now that I know, I can easily make videos in full 1080p for the next week, and we're working on building up that repository of footage as well. It's been a BLAST learning about this, and I'm constantly excited to learn more about video editing. I may have found my passion. I'm truly enjoying learning more and more about video editing as I'm doing this, and I'm enjoying being a ham online and people watching it and enjoying it. Who knows, maybe this can grow into something.
My wife has a bit of a harder time writing than I do, at least for now. I'm sure once she gets into a flow of just writing what comes out of her head and editing later, she'll write much more freely. However the other night, we were working on her first blog post (soon to be seen online) and she started talking to Matt about everything in a very articulate, and interesting manner. Podcast. I think that she will be able to express herself much better in the podcast setting, based on listening to her talk just that one time (and knowing her better than anyone else for the past 6 years, but that doesn't hold much weight) So now I need to learn how to make a great podcast platform for my wife. I have the microphone equipment thanks to the Let's play's that Chris and I do, so now we need to setup the website to suit her needs. Time to learn about something that I don’t even listen to that much. I've listened to the bigger pockets (real estate investing) podcast, and Tim Ferris podcast, and that's it....so I have a lot to learn about pod casting. I'll be keeping you guys updated on our endeavors into podcasting here as well.
I think this will be a great platform for my wife as she learns more about this kind of stuff. and if she makes a new podcast every day, how can she fail? You just need to keep doing. There's no secret sauce, because the second you find one, Google will change it. Its about making real things that add value all the time, every day.
That's what I want to do for you all here now, I'll write on our escapades on making these small businesses, and how they're working out.
Google Ad Revenue: $1.56
Other Revenue: $0
Microphone: $37 (used off eBay) Here's a link to the microphone we use
Adobe Premiere Pro ( Still in trail period) $30/Month once we have to start paying for it.
Number's ain't looking too good so far, lets see how we look next Sunday.
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