Thursday, February 26, 2015

What do you guys want to hear about?

Good Morning readers.

So yesterday I had a post go semi-viral. A lot of people read my post about Edward Snowden, and I'm glad it connected with so many of you. It truly warms my heart that there is a group of people out there that believe in many of the same things that I do. I'm happy to say that I believe we are in the majority, and that in the end the constitution will prevail.

That being said, I'm truly at an impasse. I had kind of decided that the premise of this blog would be for me to write whatever I felt like, and then move on from there, as I learned more about what my readers enjoyed, and slowly move toward that in a more organic method. My political post has beaten out all other blog posts I've written insofar as readership by a factor of ten. I'm not sure what to make of that.

I had always wanted this blog to be an experiment in many forms.
1) to teach me how to write, simply by the act of writing every day.
2) to learn about how to grow a blog readership, and try to do it in an organic manner.
3) to help me get out some of the harder things to say to the world, whether its about myself, my family, or about bigger topics.

So far It seems that I've had some success in each of these. I've had quite a few people compliment on my writing style, and many more thank me for how candid I am on this blog. I'm glad you enjoy it, and I hope to keep you reading at least until the one year anniversary of this blog is up, and I decide to keep it going or not.

This brings me to a simple point: What do you guys want to hear me write about?

I've written about exercise with a toddler, I've written about Massive NSA spying. I've written about financial success, about family success, about depression, panic attacks, growth, death, life, happiness, and everything in between in just a few blog posts. At least that’s how it feels to me. So I'm wondering very truly what is the driving force behind my readership.

I have already organized an entire blog for my wife to work on, which will specialize in Finance, and "just starting out life tips for young female professionals. Would you all like to see a more "family oriented" family finance piece? I want to do that every Sunday, and go over what Stef and I are doing now, but I also wonder if you would find more value from more posts.

I've written my most successful blog post on something that I was sure would flop, because politics is something that's hard to write about. However It's become extremely popular. Would you all find value in a weekly writeup from me about politics? tell me!

I've written about my personal fitness journey. I've loved fitness since i started doing pushups in my room at the age of twelve. I've been doing body weight, at home workouts for years, and I prefer them to pretty much anything else. Would you guys like to see me write more about that? I've lost 25 pounds in the past 5 months thanks to calorie counting, and I've kept my muscle thanks to a few simple exercises. I'd be happy to write about that as well.

What I'm saying here is that  I have no real direction. I've covered many topics: some with great success, others with less. I could write about all of them in a mishmash of shit and nobody would read it. So let's try and hone them down into a few things that you guys would really like. If you have other ideas: Please share them. If you would like to hear about something more than once a week: Please tell me. If you would like me to guest post something on your blog: please ask! I'm always looking to help.

I'm coming up on the one month anniversary of writing this blog: so far I've gone from 5 readers daily to over a thousand daily. That's quite a growth curve, and I'm glad so many people are already connecting with the blog. However If I write crap in an all over the place fashion like this I feel as though I won't be serving you folks what you're looking for. so let's propose this for now:

1) a weekly post on politics (day TBD)
2) Sunday’s weekly post on mine and Stef's business
3) a weekly post on fitness
4) a weekly post on whatever the hell I feel like, for the rest of the time.

This schedule is subject to change because hey, its my blog. But tell me in the comments what you all would like to see. Or tell me via email at I'd love to hear what you're all looking for.

I'll keep this one short. Thanks for reading, and here's to (at least) another 11 months.