Tuesday, March 10, 2015

How We're Doing It: Volume 3

Another followup post for what Stef and I are working on. It's been a fairly slow week for us as I had some friends visit from far flung lands, and spent a  good amount of time with them. However, things have plugged along as they usually do.

My wife's website is live and can be seen and subscribed to at www.fortunesnap.com Its still very bare, and there is much to be done. On the docket for this week:

add subscription sidbebars

get a background image to populate JUST on the home page (its amazing how difficult wordpress makes this...anyone willing to help?)

Begin to develop courses and create signup pages for each

Publish more of our blog posts.

This webpage is (obvously ) a very different model than this one. Where on this page I'll gladly throw up something that is no good, has typos, and nobody will probably ever read, on her page we want to make sure each post has quality content. As such, We've each been writing posts, then Stef will edit them, add information, remove information, and we'll curate each one to make sure it fits in the business model. Its a lot of work, but the content is starting to come together in a bit of a "path" that will help our clients better understand our mission.

Stef has also already gotten interest from co workers about her services. There are some friends of ours who are looking to buy homes, or just budget better, and they're willing to pay her to learn more. It's great, but also much faster than even I anticipated. As such,  I've told Stef that it might make more sense to do these first few for free, but in lieu of payment see if they'll let us record the interaction. This will 1) give us some footage to put on the page, which really helps with credibility and professionalism of the page, and 2)will let us look back on the interview with the client, and see what we can do better in the future. Everyone wins.

The youtube channel has gotten its first haters, which always means we're on the right path. we also have a slowly trickling in fanbase, so we're getting there. I'm hoping if we keep going it'll start to pick up speed a bit more, just like this blog has thanks to my daily postings. You can see the youtube channel Here

This week I'll also be working on the edits for Stephanie's 10 day free email course which will go out to all subscribers as they sign up. It'll help to add cred, and for her subscribers to better understand our product.  I'm hoping that it will be a broad and shallow coverage of the different things that Stef plans to cover in her blog, as well as an overview of what she will teach to her clients.

We're also planning on doing a weekly or maybe monthly podcast with Stef and myself. We'll talk about different techniques used for landing jobs, writing resumes, cover letters, purchasing homes, and the like. Hopefully we'll also soon have guests on the podcast as well, and maybe even a few clients who wish to share their stories. I'm still new to the podcasting thing, but I do have a nice microphone that I use for Streaming, so I'll just retrofit that for podcasts and we'll be ready.

All in all, a fairly slow week. nothing rolling out or booting up, but my adsense revenue got into dollars a day instead of pennies, which is a pretty big deal. Hopefully we'll see this silly experiment continue to grow.

What do you guys want to see on my wife's page? On the Youtube Channel? On The Blog? Comment and tell me and you'll probably see it. 

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